We are citizens who see poster design as an important tool to use to advocate for a more progressive America: peace, equality, love, and on and on.


Power to the Poster

We took the most powerful, most compelling posters created since Election 2016, according to us, and built a website around them. This website full of Posters for the Resistance Age has just launched. It’s the 2nd version of a project that existed from 2008 to 2010. Having been dormant for several years, aside from being added to the Creative Action Network, the current state of American affairs motivated us to evolve the project.

The new website was designed by Justin Kemerling and developed by Cody Peterson. The original was created by Justin and Jason Hardy. Both versions showcase work by numerous designers using their talents to speak truth to power.


Since that fateful day of November 8, 2016, graphic design and visual art have been doing some amazing things. What we’re mostly concerned about here are posters and the power they wield. We’ve seen some powerful, inspiring, surprising, moving, and thought-provoking work that aligns with the movement of the progressive Left to draw a line in the sand and fight like hell to hold it. Some of that work can now be found online in one easy-to-access place. 

We hope Power to the Poster: Resistance Age can be yet another thing that inspires people to stand up and moves them to action. If you want to participate in some way, contact us via email.

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This Project is Action Backed.

2017–2018: Collaboration, Self-Initiated Project, Poster, Web

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