Nebraska Appleseed is a nonprofit, nonpartisan public interest law firm that works for equal justice and full opportunity for all Nebraskans.
The full set of iconography shown here is for a variety of programs and areas where their work focuses. We’ve also just finished the designs for a few important campaigns. Insure the Good Life seeks to ensure every Nebraska is able to see a doctor and that the current coverage gap is closed. Nebraska Is Home is an effort by Nebraskans from all walks of life who are proud of our welcoming state and who are working together to build Nebraska’s future. Enroll Nebraska helps organizations enroll people in the Affordable Care Act.
Included in their brand redesign developed by Cathy Solarana, a set of four illustrations are used to visually tell the story of their four areas of focus; Low Income and Economic Opportunity, Health Care Access, Child Welfare System Accountability and Immigrant Integration and Civic Participation.
In their day to day work, Appleseed’s advocacy efforts use imagery at press events, when meeting with State Senators, for blog posts and are pushed out on social media to help clarify the issues. Specifically, what the Wellness in Nebraska Act means for the state, how a foster care bill in the legislature can help kids and what the benefits are of Medicaid expansion under the Affordable Care Act.
2012–2015: Campaign, Illustration, Iconography, Infographic, Social
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