BarCamp 2015
BarCamp. The un-conference without a speaker list. Without any pretense. Without remorse. And this year, with plenty of blue.
Brand + Web
Round and Round was asked by AIGA Nebraska to design this year’s brand and website. Jake and myself are a couple fellas who care about our community and like to lend our skills when the timing is right. In this case, Jake took charge on the design and I committed to putting together a 20-minute talk.
When all was said and done, there was a bright new brand executed through the web and into the real world in such concise precision that whenever #1847ED gets passed around online, I get all giddy with BarCamp glee. Ts, buttons, stickers, posters, and props—good times had by all.
My Talk
At BarCamp 2015 on August 29th at The KANEKO I gave a 20-minute talk about the importance of knowing what you don’t like. When you have good reasons and know precisely why you don’t like something, it not only helps you focus priorities and manage your time better, but it helps you to know what you really love. Love being more profound and powerful than what you like.
A small sampling of slides follow:
Do Not Like This.
Very much a talk about not being neutral and not just passively liking everything you come into contact with. For the people out there who find beauty everywhere and something special in everything. When done well, it is okay to be vocal about what you don’t like, even if you’re only being vocal with yourself.
Good Crews
BarCamp is about the community getting together
and having one hell of a good time.
Round and Round Crew
Designer Dudes Crew
Katie and Justin Crew
Round and Round collaboration led by the mighty Jake Welchert.
2015: Collaboration, Community, Brand, Web
More Collaborations: