Stand Up For Justice
The annual poster show hosted by Nebraska Appleseed to inspire people to stand up for justice in their communities.
WE: Katie and Justin Kemerling
Something Called Progress
The 6th annual Nebraska Appleseed Poster Show took place on October 13, 2016 in Omaha. 2016 was also the 20th anniversary of Nebraska Appleseed. Quite an achievement for an amazing organization who works tirelessly to make life better for all Nebraskans.
A big, big thanks to the designers who contributed their time and talent: Stacy Asher, Sean Heisler, Sam Vetter, Nicholas Burroughs, Amy Markham, Aaron Sutherlen, and Zack Post.
Reflect: Stacy Asher
Diversity Makes Us Great: Sam Vetter
The Window: Amy Markham
Close the Gap: Sean Heisler
A Nation: Nicholas Burroughs
Champion Truth: Aaron Sutherlen
Actions Speak Louder
The 5th annual Nebraska Appleseed Poster Show took place on October 22, 2015 in Omaha. After five years, each year’s collection continues to impress. This one is really quite magnificent.
Huge thanks to the designers who contributed their time and talent: Ashley Stephan, Jake Welchert, Jessica Smolinski, Kelly Engquist, Phyl Thomas, Nicolas Fredrickson, Dylan Moss, Justin Schafer, and Oxide Design Co. with Michael Stevens.
End Hunger in Nebraska: Ashley Rolf Stephan
Shelves: Jessica Smolinski
Family Is Strength: Phyl Thomas
OPEN: Dylan Moss
Just Getting By: Jake Welchert
Don’t Lose Sight: Kelly Engquist
Love by Actions & Truth: Nicolas Fredrickson
EVERY BODY: Justin Schafer
EQUAL: Oxide Design Co.
One Person Stands Up For Justice
For one night only, the 44 posters designed over the last four years by Nebraska designers for Nebraska Appleseed were on display to remind us that it just takes one person to say no to discrimination, oppression, and indifference. It was a wonderful evening and great to see amazing poster designs for a cause up for the first time together in one room. Read more on Medium.
Together We Rise
The 4th annual Nebraska Appleseed Poster Show took place on October 2, 2014 in Omaha. Another excellent collection of some really magnificent designs that carry the important messages of what Appleseed does every day in Nebraska.
A hearty note of thanks to the designers who designed a poster this year: Rachel Boshart, Donovan Beery, Liz White, Aaron Stubbe, Adam Casey, Cate White, Jesse Harding, Katie Condon and Anthony Banks.
This Wage Up: JKDC
Bloom: Liz White
Dropped: Donovan Beery
Walk A Mile: Aaron Stubbe
Welcome: Cate White
Ice Cream: Rachel Boshart
Dahlia: Adam Casey
Care for All: Katie Condon
Foster Care: Anthony Banks
Equality Before the Law: Jesse Harding
Toward A Just Society
The 3rd annual Nebraska Appleseed Poster Show took place on October 10, 2013 in Omaha. Eight designers created a beautiful collection of prints with proceeds going directly to Appleseed’s fight for justice and opportunity for all.
Many thanks to the designers who offered up their time and talent for the cause: Ellen Wilde, Matt Carlson, Miranda Bouck, Carrie Ratcliff, Nicholas Peterson, Ben Lueders and Josh Schwieger.
Clear a Path: Matt Carlson
American Dream: Nicholas Peterson
Hi: Ben Lueders
Barriers: Ellen Wilde
Be Doing Things: Miranda Bouck
Future You: Josh Schwieger
Health Care Access: Carrie Ratcliff
Stand Up For Justice
In 2012, Nebraska Appleseed worked with Cathy Solarana to rebrand the organization. The 2nd annual poster show visualized the new mantra; to inspire people to Stand Up For Justice in their community. To tear down the obstacles of discrimination, oppression, and reckless indifference that keep the poorest of us poor and further weaken those among us who are vulnerable.
Many thanks to the designers who offered up their time and talent for the cause: Dave Markes, Kelsey Janda, Jeremie Memming, Liz Hunt, Craig Hughes, RDQLUS, Oxide Design Co., Doe Eyed and J. Curtis Rawlings.
Time of the Wolf: JKDC
Courage: Dave Markes
Stand Up For Justice: Jeremie Memming
We All Blend Together: Craig Hughes
With Liberty and Justice: Oxide Design Co.
We Can: Kelsey Janda
Win This World: Liz Hunt
Educate: Doe Eyed
DREAM: J. Curtis Rawlings
You’re Welcome in Omaha
A small set of posters part of a larger art exhibition. An evening event organized by Nebraska Appleseed to celebrate Omaha as a welcoming and inclusive community of all of its immigrant neighbors. Many thanks to the designers who participated: Tyson Reeder, Megan Merry, Joe Sparano, and Nicholas Burroughs.
Welcome to Omaha: Tyson Reeder
Petition: Joe Sparano
Standing Bear: Megan Merry
You’re Welcome in Omaha: Nicholas Burroughs
Stronger Together
Working with Nebraska Appleseed as they celebrated their 15th year, we organized a poster show to help raise money for the organization and to visually tell the story of their efforts to build a stronger Nebraska with the values of justice, equality, democracy, opportunity and community.
Many thanks to the designers who donated their time: Cathy Solarana, Oxide Design Co., Paul Berkbigler, Peter Morris, Jake Welchert, Ella Durham, Sam Rapien, and Doe Eyed. The posters were beautifully screen printed by Screen Ink.
Stronger Together: JKDC
Justice: Cathy Solarana
Begins Next Door: Paul Berkbigler
≠ DIGNITY: Peter Morris
Community: Ella Durham and Sam Rapien
teachers: Doe Eyed
CommYOUnity: Oxide Design Co.
Work for Justice: Paul Berkbigler
This Is Home: Jake Welchert
Opportunity: Ella Durham and Sam Rapien
2011–2016: Community, Poster, Screenprint, Exhibition
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