Round 6

So can I pull myself up by my own bootstraps to the shelf with the #COVIDー19 vaccines? Didn’t think so.


The 6th year of Round and Round officially has the least hours logged in the office. Ya know, American Pandemic Management is fucking terrible like we always knew it would be. But that didn’t stop us from working like madmen in the face of unspeakable odds (FUCK YOU COVID). And we wrapped like we always do, with the highlights told in book form.


Yeah ya are.


Can you believe our luck? Spaceship Earth hits a massive rough patch with the worst person America has to offer as the world’s more powerful man. We’re all worse off than we were 4 years ago. Don’t let any shitbird tell ya different.

But the design must go on. No let up, no quit. We don’t know what the future holds. We don’t know how long this lasts. We don’t know when we come out on the other side. But we do know, we’ll be here.

Is there any coming back from this unscathed?

No, of course not. 2020 could go down in our history as the bottom. One can only hope. That still won’t stop us from putting our own mark on it. This is how we saw it.

This is how we felt about it. This is what we did during the great unraveling. Fist in the air in the land of hypocrisy.




A collaboration with Jake Welchert and Adam Casey.

2020: Collaboration, Community, Brand, Social

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