
A collection of sketches from the field, 2021. 

On many days, I’m just trying not to miss a deadline. And on some days, I’m in complete fucking awe I get to do this job.

Where I love to be.

Most often the teams I work with provide constructive feedback with the goal of getting to the end together... but this year I've had a couple doozies where the feedback is more like gaslighting or a Charlie Brown cartoon teacher.

That feeling that no matter how new the idea seems, there’s always a predictable path back to the beginning.

Approaching a project is so different now.

Cutting edge creative work for horrible companies is bad design. (How’s that for a quote you can put in an industry mag?)

How I currently think about design work. A useful guide.

2021: Self-Initiated Project, Graphic Design

More Self-Initiated Projects: