Poster: STRIKE!

Pro-Union, Pro-People. The power of the collective, to organize and to demand, to work and to earn, to bargain and to strike, is one of the great American powers. The collective helped build the middle class, end child labor, implement the 40-hour work week, and earn a respectable living for millions. Because of ruthless conservative policies, they have been weakened in the last couple decades. But no more, they are on the comeback. Whether or not America actually becomes a country where anybody, anywhere can create a meaningful life will in large part depend on the effectiveness of unions. Because without them, where people work together for a better tomorrow, America will remain a place where only the rich thrive and the rest of us toil away with little hope for the future.

For the workers and the teachers out there in need of a sign for their next protest. Download, print, mount, take to the streets!

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NO Death Penalty

Nebraska State Senator Ernie Chambers has been fighting to put an end to the death penalty in our state for 40 years. In 2015, our state lawmakers actually succeeded in repealing the death penalty. Then, our heartless governor overrode that ban and recently had someone executed. It’s a heartbreaking tale of money being more powerful than the will of the people. But, Senator Chambers won’t give up. We won’t give up.

To highlight this long fight to stop the death penalty, I’m offering this badass print of Ernie Chambers getting ready for action. All proceeds will be donated to Nebraskans for Alternatives to the Death Penalty.

We will not go quietly into the night! We must end this barbaric practice of state-sponsored murder! All power to the people!


Moxie Poster #1

Centrally focused and explosive (literally). Feels urgent. It’s gritty and textured and very direct. I like the emphasis on a single act that can change so much. It asks us all to HearShareListenBelieve. WE ARE VOLCANOES! Designed pro bono for Planned Parenthood of the Heartland.

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Poster: Love v. Fear

How you choose to see the world takes effort. It takes hard work. It takes commitment. There’s a battle going on between two epic forces constantly at odds. Who wins ultimately comes down to a choice. Do you choose to see the world with fear? Or do you choose to see the world with love? 

Included in a collection of posters released at the 2017 Good Apple Awards hosted by Nebraska Appleseed. This year’s theme for the 7th annual poster show, Root Down, Rise Up acknowledges the confusion, frustration, and hopelessness many Nebraskans face while alluding to the strength within local grassroots organizations. In the long fight for justice and opportunity, we must all rise up, again and again. Curated by Colleen Syron.

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Poster: Climate Change Is Here

I don’t know about you, but I’m just not in a hopeful mood these days. I’m not in for sending thoughts and prayers. I know there are better equipped individuals out there who are more than willing to send such things. Instead, I’m more concerned with truth-telling. And given America these days, I’m more than comfortable being in such a place.

Let’s start with the world’s most powerful Twitter weatherman. Simply astonished at how crazy all this weather is! I do NOT give Trump any credit in any of this madness. Nope. None. And his actions regarding Puerto Rico were disgusting. 

Climate change is a hoax started by the Chinese? Climate change gets scrubbed from government websites? Government scientists no longer can speak of such things? Really? Well, then we have a big problem, don’t we? Just look at what the EPA is doing under a bunch of anti-science crony capitalists. It’s absolutely appalling.

This poster is about how climate change is here. Picturesque ocean settings be damned. We are living in a period of climate change and upheaval. Hurricane after hurricane after hurricane. All made worse by our human excesses. 

I believe science. I believe truth. I believe climate change is upon us. Plenty of others are speaking on how America has really come together in this time of national crisis. And I think that is absolutely amazing. To the people out there, my thoughts and prayers go out to a higher power to instill in us the ability to not just move on in a month or two.

But for the purposes of this poster, this is to the governments out there. Or perhaps, just ours. Wake the fuck up you smug, know-nothing assholes. The future is now, and if we’re going to survive in it, then we better start acting accordingly.

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Poster: Trump/Fool

An urgent, hasty, sketchy mess of a design. Scribbled over and over. Repetition you can feel. A whirlwind of speed to let you know I think this is just enough. This is all that needs to be shown. 

The point can stop here. With the mess of hair, the piercing eye slots, that cavernous mouth. Spewing forth chewed up words of lies and nonsense. Spitting on you. Spitting on me. With a simple 1-word association: FOOL. Trump as the fool, the court jester, that laughing stock that wasn’t taken  all that seriously until now he is. He fooled you, he fooled me, he fooled us all. Now with his Tweets of distraction intended to continue to fool us. To keep us from watching what’s really going on. He wants to fool us away from truth and away from each other. Divide. Confuse. Numb. He the greatest fool of our generation. Created to fool. With his fury unleashed at the top of the heap. We need to stay vigilant and we can no longer remain on the fooled end of a fool’s errand to the insulting of the highest office in the land.

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