Defeated by Feedback

If you’re someone who gives feedback, you must take it upon yourself to not burn it all down. What do I mean by that? Well it goes like this. When you give feedback, it is entirely possible to be lazy about it all and choose to not be an active participant in the project being worked on. You just want to have it your way, but aren’t really sure what that is, so you’re just going to burn down what exists and let others have to work their ass off to figure out how to put it all back together again.

How do you know the Internet?

Graphic design. That’s how I know the Internet. It was first. I wanted to see the portfolios of design studios who were doing the best work. What I could find on the Internet when it came to graphic design was extraordinary. Before music, before movies, before politics, before air travel, before social networks, it was design.

Ameriican Requiem

Generally speaking, America’s problem is it wants to live on a reality show rather than in reality. And then American conservatives come along and demand to be the lead roles, make the rules, and win whatever arbitrary contest they’re currently spinning themselves into a tizzy about. Then liberals be like, yeah, we think we want to see play too, maybe, we need to send out a confirmation email though, probably do a poll. Will that be OK?

What are you chasing?

Focused creative projects with a sense of urgency, the freedom to do what we do, collaborative partners who bring it, the chance to make an impact, and the unwavering willingness of everyone involved to put quality work into the world.

Speak Human

I’d much rather speak like a human. That’s typically how I’ve gone through this life. There have been exceptions, but for the most part, I like using words that make me sound like a person. Not like a salesman, not like a robot, and definitely not like a social media persona. Because that’s not real, and we all know it.

Unique Selling Proposition: We’re not an agency

Not into 5-day turnarounds or Zooms with a ton of bodies racking up the billable hours? Website features you don’t know how to use or even want? Design options way too trendy to be close to the mark you want to hit? Confined feedback sessions where speaking up isn’t how it’s done? Bloated retainers, unhelpful creative directors, or middle people in between you and the person making the work? And since they do everything in-house they expect you to use and pay for everything they have in-house?

Yeah, we’re not into any of that either. Hence, you should work with us if you’re into the opposite of the above things.

Talk soon,