No Guarantees

We take it as it comes. One day at a time. Keep pushing. Keep the drive. Find the fire. Hold on tight. No take backs!

Finding the Fire

That’s what we’re all doing here really. Our quest, our journey, our search. For the fire. It lights our path and steers our course. It’s inside, let it burn. It’s still to come, go get it.

The force of your own ideas

Ideas are powerful. Yours and others. And most often you know a good idea when you see it. And the seeing can carry you. Sometimes very far.

Can we trust our eyes?

What is real and what is fake? Can our eyes tell us? Probably not. Which is probably one of the big questions of our age.

Do > Say

I take notice more in what I see done rather than what I hear said. Actions speak louder than words, as they say.