
New book project from The Harwood Institute:

How can we unleash the innate potential of people, institutions and groups in communities to address our common challenges? And how can we do this by creating a civic culture in which people come together to shape their own lives and gain real hope?

And this is the sea.

New essay to promote the book In the Middle of Everything:

The teams that have been formed during the pandemic have been some of the most exciting teams I’ve ever been a part of. And we sure as hell do some goddamn good work. For that, I know I am fortunate.

The hum of the computer, the clicks of the mouse, and the clicking of the keys drowned out by the loud music of the day. Turn that up to eleven because the office is empty except for me and the dog.

Whatever that came before was the river, and this my friends, is the sea.

Video Release

One of my favorite books of the last few years is this one.

It’s a really great book. Heartfelt, funny, random, childish, insightful, great. Just like the B Boys.

I picked up a copy when I was making In the Middle of Everything. As I’m sure was by design, I fell in love with them all over again. And maybe, if I’m being honest, for the first time. If I knew it was gonna to be that kind of party, well, you know how it goes…

Table of Contents

  1. Prologue

  2. Foundations

  3. First. Real. Job.

  4. Moonlighting

  5. Picking a Lane

  6. Being Bold

  7. Thanks, Internet

  8. Thanks, Obama

  9. Start Up Yours

  10. Independence + Collaboration

  11. “I Voted Today”

  12. Hell With This, Let’s Do It Again

  13. Round and Round We Go

  14. Design Your Community

  15. Wanna Dance?

  16. Plus Social Justice

  17. Damn You, Internet

  18. About the Author

  19. Next