Zoom Students

Advice of a seasoned, somewhat jaded, yet still hopeful, independent graphic designer to a handful of senior design students (over ZOOM):

  • Work really, really, really hard in your 20s.

  • Someone is going to take advantage of your youth, whether ad agency or design studio or shitty job, might as well be you.

  • Learn how to write good emails.

  • It’s always messy, be okay with that.

  • It’s awesome being independent, only when you have really great collaborators.

  • Your portfolio is not very good. And it shouldn’t be.

  • Be brave, be bold, put yourself out there, because no one else will.

  • It’s on you at the end of the day, you’ll get used to it, and you’ll sleep just fine.

  • Figure out how to do the kind of work you want to do, then show that kind of work in your portfolio, which is how you get more of that kind of work.

  • There’s tracking time, writing proposals, doing taxes, yada yada yada.

  • Get as much feedback as you can.

  • Under promise, over deliver. Because the other way is a bummer for everyone involved.

  • Presenting your work to clients is what this is all about.

  • Learn how you work best, and then practice, practice, practice.

  • Don’t be afraid of not getting there, with enough hard work, maybe some blood, sweat, and tears, you’ll make it.

  • You’ll get better, and then you’ll need to decide what to do next.

  • Be nice to future students.