Midwestern Meh

If you’ve lived and worked in the Midwest for an extended period of time, you know what I’m talking about. You’ve seen it first hand and have had to navigate how much to let it go and how much to hold someone’s feet to the fire.

Midwestern Meh is very real. And it bites like a motherfucker.

There you are. Doing your job. And someone who has been hired to work with you in some capacity simply doesn’t live up to expectations. Not even that, they stink. And worse still, they think you won’t notice.

But of course you do, because anyone with eyes would notice.

They think it doesn’t matter because this is the Midwest and things just don’t need to be that nice here. So what’s the big deal anyway?

Turns out, lots.

If we’re all cool with Midwestern Meh then what in God’s name is the point of all this?

I’ve experienced my fair share of Midwestern Meh the last couple years. And I am getting sick and fucking tired of it. I think you are, too.

Years back, I read an article about the percentage of a project that turns out as expected. In this particular designers’s view it was about 87%. Which seems right. Remember, this is the real world of budgets, opinions, timelines, talent, and any number of externalities that happen because that’s what life is.

In terms of a percentage, Midwestern Meh is in the 40s.

Whether graphic designer, architect, web developer, video producer, etc. We are all capable of Midwestern Meh if we don’t put in the time. We must do the work. No way around it.

To all the Midwesterners who phone it in because they think no one will notice, trust me, everyone notices. And there are going to be consequences.

Step ya game up, bud.

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PS. If you happen to not be familiar with Midwestern Meh just think of East Coast Fuck It but more polite and way more bush league.

Here’s to Another

The grinding day-to-day of running any business can certainly get the better of you, from time-to-time. But it doesn’t define you. No, you’re here for the journey you’ve chosen to create. You’re here for the rush, for the excitement, for the new adventures awaiting you even though you’re sitting in the same old chair. Consider yourself lucky to be amongst the few where this isn’t work. It’s a calling. And you fucking know in your blood this is the only thing you could ever really do. Yes, last year was epic. So was the year before that. And here’s to another. Cheers.

General Shoutout

To the amazing people at Campaign Zero, one of the best teams I have ever had the privilege of working with. It’s hard to wrap my mind around all the work that’s been done these last couple years. What’s to come, I’m certainly looking forward to the challenge and to what needs to be done. Much love.

Friends, Food, Workout, Travel

Looking to next year, there are things missing in my life. Things I need to be more intentional about. Friends, food, workout, travel. And I’m going to make them a priority moving forward.

To Be On This Team

When doing the work, with the organizations we work with, for the causes we fight for, the team must:

  1. be open to ideas, coming from all directions

  2. understand the process isn’t something to simply complete

  3. get as many people bought in along the way as you can

  4. pushback yes, confrontation no

  5. we are here for the cause

  6. in the search for what’s possible, know what is

  7. there is no such thing as the ideal scenario

  8. bring to the table what needs to be brought

  9. the process can be adjusted, it’s okay

  10. no one is the smartest person in the room

  11. there are times to speak, listen, write, and refrain

  12. it’s the people, then the work, don’t worry about externalities

  13. everyone does their part, no need for excuses

  14. there’s talk, and then there’s getting it done

  15. professionalism, maturity, respect, humility

  16. we deliver, end of story

  17. and things change, that’s how it is

The Supreme Court and The Web Designer

So the Supreme Court of the United States has now heard of web design. That, of course, doesn’t mean it actually knows what web design is. But alas, a conservative web designer wants an exemption so she doesn’t have to design wedding websites for the gays. And SCOTUS is going to tell her if that’s cool or not.

Why anyone would want to design wedding websites is beyond me, but that’s not the point. Religious conservatives going out of their way to discriminate against LGBTQ folks is the point. Yet, this political stunt at first had me a little sympathetic.

I design websites. Very particular websites. Ones that aren’t for religious conservatives, for the most part. Which I’ve made abundantly clear. I’d rather get hit by a bus full of Catholic nuns than design any kind of website for anyone who thinks the gays are going to hell or whatever. And I certainly don’t want to be made to do so.

But it wouldn’t happen. Ever.

There are many considerations that go into choosing a web design partner. Budget, timeline, skill level, and aesthetics for sure. But also, does the web designer have a track record of doing the kind of website that’s needed — nonprofit, candidate, startup, retailer, venue, restaurant, band, church, and on and on.

So. Many. Factors.

And finally, is the web designer a good fit philosophically? Since the web designer will be intimately involved with the wants and needs of the client, having a web designer that’s cool with love being love if you’re also cool with love being love, when the subject is love, would probably be a good idea, if not a deal breaker. Especially if the web designer thinks the most important decision of your life ultimately leads you to burning for all eternity.

So again, I’m sympathetic toward this religiously conservative web designer to a point. I don’t want her to have to design a website for a gay wedding because I think she’d do a terrible fucking job. And it’d be a huge disservice to the gay couple. But that’s not what’s going on here.

What this is about is causing a stink because, as we all know, religious conservatives are the most discriminated against group of people in the entire history of the fucking world. Kidding!

What this is about is a non issue. She’s creating a stink because that’s what religious conservatives do. They go out of their way to let everyone else know they’re persecuted. End of story.

She’s probably going win, which will have dire consequences because everything the Trump presidency touched turns to piss. But she shouldn’t win, because she shouldn’t even be there.

This is all BS. And it’s way over the heads of the justices.

Where is the gay couple who is all up in arms because this maker of websites is a religious conservatives and won’t allow them to get a wedding website and therefore none of their guests will be able to RSVP?


They don’t exist.

And they never will.

Why should I vote?

Oh Nebraska (and nation). Lots on the line in these old midterms. Here is some stuff to care about. And also, just to say it plain, Republicans got nothing.

They are liars and cheaters who tried to steal the last election. If you think they’re done with their anti democratic tendencies, I just don’t know where you’ve been living the last couple years. Anyone who is so hellbent on taking rights away from people (abortion, voting, marriage) and continues to use their power to pick on groups who don’t have much (trans, migrant, students) is certainly not fixing the economy.

You can tell a lot by the pawns people go out of their way to use. The economy doesn’t work if it doesn’t work for everyone, simple as that. It’s a long road to get to where we need to be, best not drive us in a ditch now.