I want to be better at social media. In the beginning, I started out slowly. I was intrigued by all of the connection and the platform that came with each account. I ramped up as a digital optimist as it helped my work grow and reach new people in far off places. And now that I’ve plunged into disgust and am slowly rising out of that, the way I want to approach all of these tools is with clear eyes and a full heart.
I want them to be better. And since I can’t control what the heads of those Big Tech corporations do to fix the situation, what I will do instead is change how I approach them. Less snark, less shit talking, less angst poured into the void. Instead, I’m going to be professional about all of this, as best I can muster. Which is why I started using any of it in the first place. It was to further my career, to connect with people in order to keep the creativity flowing. So that’s what I’m going to do again. It’s completely within my control so I’m going to give it a go. Here’s to better social.