Specifically, my people. Several of them. Doing what they do, as I stopped by a building I’ve been many times before to pick up a Black Lives Matter screenprint.
It was amazing to see people again in real life. And at the same time incredibly heartbreaking. As we live, strained, in a time of prolonged death and destruction. Images of PPE, food lines, and riot gear danced in my head. Behind our masks, socially distanced (which is awkward), eyes strained. I really just wanted to act like normal.
“So good to see you!”
“How’s it going!”
“Miss you!”
“Stay strong.”
“This is all fucked.”
I started in what would appear to be in my old spot. Just happy to see you. And quickly, it became obvious this new spot is so fucking hard. So sad. A constant struggle. I really just want to smile at you. And see yours.
Goddamn all of this.
My strain is constant.
Yours is too.
Together, that’s where we’re at.