Not gonna lie. In the back and forth of everything that happens, I typically have, in the past, always been someone you could count on to deliver no matter what. But now, new dad and all, that’s just not the case.
My main job, the job of JKDC is to make sure all the client work gets done and gets done right. After that, with the projects and extras and side hustles that have typically all added up to this independent design practice, well if those falter, so be it. I have a kiddo to keep alive, which is job one. Everything else comes after.
So all this is to say, if I didn’t deliver for you this year, if I dropped your ball, failed to return your email, and was the crickets on the other end of your communication attempt, I am sorry. Once I get the hang of this dad thing, maybe I’ll do better. But then again, I probably won’t ever get the hang of it. Just remember, it’s not you, it’s me. And the kiddo.